Mobius Model Downloads
Fusion 360 Mobius Example File
Fusion360 file containing all examples from the January 2023 issue of Sculpture Northwest article “Designing and Carving a Mobius” by Carl Nelson. Click “Get It.” to download: 38meg.
Triangle Single Twist STL
Ready to view or 3D print STL file. An example of what you will find in the full Zip. Download and check it out.
Triangle Mobius Collection
Zip Archive of 3D models in STL format formed by twisting a triangular cross-section around a circle. Models provided have one thru seven twists, 9 twists, and 12.
Fusion360 File - Triangle
Fusion 360 project file for creating triangular cross-section möbius forms. Contains sketches and Models for the triangular STL/OBJ/3MF files found here. Make your own variations.
Square 3 Twist Mobius
Ready to view and print square cross-section 3 twist mobius. Another of my favorite mobius forms. Click to get it, take a look.
Square Mobius Collection
Zip Archive of 3D models in STL format formed by twisting a triangular cross-section around a circle. Models provided have one thru six twists.
Fusion360 - Square
Fusion 360 Project File for creating square cross-section mobius forms. Contains sketches and models to create your own STL/OBJ files.
Pentagon Mobius Collection
Zip Archive of 3D Models ( in STL format) of mobius formed by twisting a pentagon around a circle. Models provided have 1-6 twists.
Fusion360 - Pentagons
Fusion360 Project File for creating pentagonal mobius form. All forms are mobius except 5 twists 😉.
Pentagon Mobius 3 & 4 twist
ZIP file contains two of my favorite Pentagon cross-section Mobius.
Hexagonal Mobius Collection
Zip Archive of 3D Models in STL format formed by twisting a hexagon around a circle.
Fusion360 - Hexagons
Fusion360 project file for creating hexagonal cross-section mobius forms.
Heptagon Mobius Collection
Zip file containing 3D models of heptagon twisted around a circle. All forms are mobius, yes, except 7 twists (360°).
Fusion360 - Heptagon
Fusion360 Project File Containing 3D Models of Heptagon Mobius.
Octagon Mobius Collection
Zip file containing Octagon Mobius models in STL format. 1-7 twists.
Fusion360 Octagons
Fusion Project File for creating Octagonal cross-section mobius forms.
Triangle Single Twist OBJ
Single Model in .OBJ format for display and printing.
Single Table of Mobius Forms
Complete Table, from January 2023 Sculpture Northwest Article: “Designing and Carving a Mobius”. Zip contains the .OBJ (mesh) and material file (120Meg). Open on Windows (3D viewer) or Mac (Preview).